How to Locate & Access All Mac OS X System Icons We’ll cover the latter method, since it’s usually the quickest and most user friendly. To get there and to find the Mac OS X system icon resource files, you can either manually navigate to the given system folder from Finder, use the Terminal, or better yet, use the excellent Go To shortcut and jump their immediately. System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/ Tags APFS Apple AppleScript Apple silicon backup Big Sur Blake bug Catalina Consolation Console Cézanne diagnosis Disk Utility Doré El Capitan extended attributes Finder firmware Gatekeeper Gérôme HFS+ High Sierra history history of painting iCloud Impressionism iOS landscape LockRattler log logs M1 Mac Mac history macOS macOS 10.12 macOS 10.13 macOS 10.14 macOS 10.For those who just want to poke around and already know why, the location of Mac OS X system icons is the following path: The only disadvantage with this method is that, if the app is passed through a medium which doesn’t copy all extended attributes, the custom icon could be stripped. That copy of your app now has the custom icon attached inside it without breaking any signature checks.

If signature checksums included extended attributes, attaching quarantine flags would instantly break the signature, so macOS wisely excludes them. This is essential because of the quarantine flag, which is also attached to files as an extended attribute. When checksums/hashes are calculated for a bundle’s signatures, they only take into account the data fork of each file in the bundle, not their extended attibutes. That file contains the custom icon, but not as data, which could break the signature, but as a traditional resource fork, an extended attribute of type, as shown in xattred. Instead of the Finder altering the icons within the app bundle, a new file named Icon? is created at the top level in the bundle, alongside the Contents folder. Select the whole of the modified icon, with its transparent background, copy and paste it into the Get Info dialog for the app.

If you’ve added superimposed text, for example, you may need to save it as a PNG and reopen that file, or the text may be omitted. If you want to use an altered version of the existing app icon, perhaps with a version number superimposed, copy the original icon into a suitable editor such as GraphicConverter using PNG format, change it to your liking, then ensure that it uses a single layer. Click on the icon in the top left corner to select it, and you can paste in another icon in its place. The ‘official’ way to change an app’s icon uses the Finder’s Get Info dialog. Change anything in there and the app is at significant risk of failing more extended signature checks, and may as a result stop launching.

Although the Resources folder is excluded from some signature checks, it is checked at first run and now on some other occasions. What you can’t do is tamper with the app’s icons inside its Resources folder.
Liteicon high sierra chang system icon full#
This article explains how you can safely change the icon displayed by an app without breaking its signature, even when it has yet to go through full ‘first run’ checks with its quarantine flag set. One of the casualties of this is the dubious practice of some users who customise apps in various ways: altering the contents of app bundles can cause them to fail signature checks, and stop them running. I’ve recently been extolling the virtues of apps checking their own integrity, and we’re all aware that Mojave and Catalina introduce tougher checks on app signatures.